Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted. Many things are happening in our lives at this time. My baby brother, who is very ill with liver tumors, is still hanging on and waiting for that precious gift of an organ from an organ donor. Time is running out. He is getting sicker by the day. If any of you know of a situation where there will be an organ donor, please pass that information along. Through this process, I am just now learning of the imbalance of the supply and demand for organ donation. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving. There is so much information that is misconceived and education is the key to help those in need.

We now have only 2 little (but growing very fast) blonde males left. They need a home, so any of you who follow my blog, let your friends and family members know that these little guys would make a great companion!

We won't be breeding our labs again until late this winter, which will give us a couple of litters next spring. I want to rest the females. I don't want a puppy mill and want to keep my adult dogs healthy and happy. Hopefully, all of you who bought a puppy are enjoying them. They grow fast and can be fiesty, although some of you report your big males are a bit on the lackadasial side! (or maybe just down right lazy:). Thanks again to all of our buyers. I know they are in good homes. Keep in touch, Jennifer

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